
Mp3tag mp3 tagging
Mp3tag mp3 tagging

mp3tag mp3 tagging

FLAC, like WAV, is one of those, it starts with data about the file format, number of sub-blocks, seek points, checksum of the entire file, etc.


Unfortunately, some tagger software also thinks it's a good idea to write ID3 data to the beginning or end of other non-streaming files. Okay, so we know that those taggers will add non-audio data to the beginning and end of an MP3 file without changing the contents of the audio stream. To add data at the start, the whole file has to be re-copied to a later start position to put that extra space at the beginning. Later, it was thought more convenient to put that data at the beginning of the file, so it could be one of the first things the player reads in sequence instead of needing to jump to the end and back again. The file would only have to get bigger at the end, and if the MP3 player couldn't understand, it wouldn't choke. Initially, people that thought "we need more information about the MP3" also thought it would be less damaging to put that extra data at the end of the file. Now, we need to look at what ID3 actually is - something that was invented after the release of MP3. If I chop off the first 10% of the file manually, I've destroyed the file. For example, a WAV file has a header that gives the sample rate, data form, comments, etc. They instead start with bytes and words that say what file type it is, file size, version - whatever the program might want to know before getting into the contents. Most other files on your computer are rigidly defined formats. I can chop my MP3 file into pieces and still play it.

mp3tag mp3 tagging

If I tune in to a radio show playing live MP3, I don't have to start at the beginning of the stream, because my player will sync up as soon as it gets the next MP3 frame and start from there. MP3 audio is what's called a "streaming" format.


My linked post above has another link discussing how to do this.Ĭlick to expand.These always end up being "today I learned" threads. MP3tag can't fix the file it has potentially damaged: "Remove tag" as an Action

mp3tag mp3 tagging


Can Excel open it still? Can Windows Explorer still show the metadata about Excel files in "properties" of the file? I could insert an id3 tag before the beginning of my Excel file to let people know the artist and title. OP was trying to edit the length and bitrate fields that the software can't compute because it can't read the FLAC file damaged by ID3 tag insertion. If when scanning the files it doesn't find that the first couple of bytes identify it as FLAC, but instead are some mp3tag data inserted at the beginning that doesn't belong there, preventing filetype determination, it moves on without being able to show you the length. Total samples divided by sample rate gives the length answer from the metadata.

Mp3tag mp3 tagging